While this is a unique yet scary concept, I would have to say that the Jeffrey from September would be a little more outgoing and social than the Jeffrey from today. Intellectually I would definitely say I’m a lot smarter or should I say more informed than when I started the semester. When it came to the English topics we covered many of the things we discussed in class was taught to me in high school. It’s just been so long since I was in school that I simply forgot a lot of the subject matter. The Jeffrey from September would have never been as social with his classmates. This is the first time I have ever dealt with a cluster in college and it was a nice experience, it actually is like when your growing up and going to elementary school where you have the same classmates for all your classes and for the duration of the year but in our case the semester. It was a welcome experience because since we got to know each other and dealt with the same subject matters it helped us to socialize and know each other in some sort of a personal capacity. I’m usually this way, when I’m new to a certain place or with people I’m generally quite but once a bond is formed I tend to be more social and outgoing because there is a trust and comfort level formed. When we first started this semester I was really skeptical about all the work that was being done on the web. This was a new experience for me in terms of school work, I had a difficult time remembering to check the blogs for English and the discussion boards for the media class. Now it’s like second nature and I’m actually hoping that more of the classes I take will be in this type of setting. Not many things have changed with me personally but I must say that with the birth of my nephew I have grown to love kids a bit. I’m not saying that I hated them before but he has quickly become one of the most important people of my life and I love him as he was my own. The best part of it all is that since he isn’t my son I can quickly give him right back to my brother when he starts to act up. Looking at things now I can clearly see that the Jeffrey from now is a much better person in more ways than one.
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